Time and work constraints being what they are, my family is unfortunately subjected quite often to my (lack of) cooking skills. Once in a great while I will hit the nail on the head and pull off a tasty dessert or breakfast...like yesterday. When I found the most amazing cake recipe EVER. Coincidentally one of Sarah's friends from residency came for dinner so it was an opportune time for me to test it out.
Needless to say I had three small "helpers" for the execution of this endeavor. Photos of the project are below, and a link to the recipe is here. Try it - it's incredible.
The lovely Miss Mary...
...Luke, squealer extraordinaire...
...and Julia, the comic relief.
Taking a break from the action to play "house" under the hall bench.
One of the most important side effects of making a coconut cake, besides the 35,000 calories, is having some extra delicious toasted coconut to snack on later.
Of course, no cake is complete without beaters to lick off afterward!
And P.S.: I would have posted a photo of the finished product, but, uh, we ate it already.