Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Lord's Prayer...

Today, I had one of those "mommy moments" that makes you's all worth it: I was putting Julia to bed after she had been particularly know...screaming every time something isn't perfect, pouring quarts of water on the coffee table and then smearing it all over the carpet, poking the dog in the eye, etc...

When I laid her down in her bed and told her it was time to pray, she said, "I DO IT, MAMA..." I let her, expecting to hear something obnoxious, but we folded our hands...and she proceeds to recite almost ALL of the Lord's Prayer by heart. She needed a little help with "and lead us not into temptation," but otherwise it was just perfect. Wow. I wish I could have recorded that. I wanted to hold a microphone up to her mouth for all the world to hear.

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