Sitting in the carseat before we drove away. Julia is surprisingly content, considering that she loathes anything that attempts to strap her down. She loves to go shopping. The sights and sounds of a good trip to the grocery store are so much more exciting than our living room. If only she was willing to stay in the shopping cart! Let's just say that Julia also loves to get in her exercise when we are out. She would be worthy poster child for the "Do." campaign.

In line at the grocery store. She is objecting to being in the cart. "MOM. I want to play in the candy!!! I can see it!!! I won't eat it, I promise......" Sometimes, Julia, you just have to take the hard road and leave the candy where it is.

Julia used to love to go to Michael's to look at the pretty colors. Now, she has become more demanding and wants to handle all of those pretty colors. I have to be selective about which aisles we drive the cart down...crochet needles, containers of millions of seed beads, carefully stacked paint cans towering up and up....oh my...you get the picture. In this photo, Julia is showing you how quickly she examines and then tastes the delicious merchandise. Wanna bite?

Perusing the clearance racks at Target. Julia selected a pair of shorts for Jessi to buy. Only five bucks, mom, down fifty percent! That's a deal!

Mom, I want OUT of this CARSEAT! Notice the cheesy residue on her face. ( I have learned to appease Her Highness with cheesy poofs while we are driving.)
The ladies (Julia, Jessi, and myself) spent a glorious day together yesterday. The morning was spent working on the flower beds that desperately needed cleaning after being ignored all of last summer. Then, it was off to the grocery store, Michael's craft store, and Target, of course. Julia was good for us. We took a little photo journal of our experiences.
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