A nudie lake picture.

Swimming! in May! Yes, this is indeed Julia and I, and we are in the lake, and it's only the 11th of May. I had no intention of taking her in there..... but after I got off the jet ski, she was crying to come to me, so naturally, I picked her up. Instantly, she pointed at the lake and shouted, "dat, dat, dat, dat, dat" which means "I want that now now now..." Mike informed me that she wanted to go in the lake. Silly me, the lake was very cold (we were in northern MN in May!), so I thought Julia would be terrified of the cold water and want out right away. I lowered her toes in. Instead of being afraid, she giggled and splashed! She wanted more, so I gave up being a model parent (since when was I one of those anyways?) and I took her clothes off and let her splash around in the cold, waist-deep-on-her water. She had an absolute blast and cried when I took her out, ten minutes later. (Her lips were not blue yet. I think mine were.) Now, when she sees a lake, she yells and wants IN. Do all babies beg to be lowered into vats of cold water?
I must say that I'm excited. I LOVE to swim in lakes....and I always seem to have trouble finding somebody to go swimming with me. Finally! I have somebody who will always want to swim with me! No more begging husband to come in the water. Yay yay yay!

I'm sitting with Grandma! I hope she doesn't mind that I've already smeared watermelon on her nice white shirt....

Eating lunch with great Grandpa Roger. Notice Julia is eating right off his plate. We need to teach that little lady some manners!

Julia is eating dinner on Great Grandpa's lap. Mmmm.....
We're home! We spent the mother's day weekend in Grand Rapids/Deer Lake with mom's side of the family. We had a great time. We stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's lake cabin on Deer Lake and had a chance to see aunt Trice and family. More pictures to come tomorrow. I want to go to bed!
I have to say none of my girls have ever liked cold water - in fact they usually scream and cry - now warm water on the other hand...that we can't get enough of. Julia, you are one brave woman! I hate cold water, but go you - you can keep your mom company, crazy ladies!
Yeah next time you are up she can take out the jetski herself :)
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