Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Saturday off!!!!!!!!!

Hi Everybody!
I had Saturday off! That meant daddy could get some projects done and Julia and I could have some quality time together. We started out our day by making Daddy some pancakes while he was in the shower. Julia shakes some cinnamon into the batter. If you look closely, you'll see that Julia is already wearing pancake batter on her new jammies. She loves to eat batter.....who doesn't?After breakfast, Julia and I went to Cub to buy a turkey. (Grandma Beth and Grandpa Dick are making the trip to Duluth for thanksgiving dinner!) Then, it was PETCO....our free zoo....where Julia gawked at the turtles and parrots. Her favorite animals: the mice. She was fascinated that seven of them can all run on the excercise wheel at the same time.

After we got home, Julia took a THREE AND A HALF hour nap!!!!! (mommy and daddy had no intention of waking her up). She woke up just in time to "help" me knead the bread for supper. We had homemade chicken noodle soup, which Julia fondly calls, "noosoop."

Then, after dinner, it was dancing! Julia is quite the she gets down to "Baby Beluga," her current tune of choice. What's up, G?
Julia is jammin...


Mark, Allison, Eliya, Gabriel, Rachel & Micaiah said...

What fun! Can we come eat at your house? :0)

MN Wehrspanns said...
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MN Wehrspanns said...

So I have to take a mental note about Petco being a free all year round, right?
Secondly, I must I admit I am envious you have the largest Menards in the world. I would argue that we have the smallest Menards in the world. Just because it's in the ad...doesn't mean it's in the store. You'll have to let us know how the solar Christmas lights work out for you.
Lastly, Julia sure is a riot! I love all your stories!