Friday, June 27, 2008

Hunkered Down

This past weekend was Grandma's Marathon. To most people, that means you should drive up to Duluth to run or watch your friends run and wish you could muster up the strength to do it. Well, when we hear it's Grandma's marathon weekend, we do our grocery shopping on Thursday and "hunker down" in our house until the hundreds of thousands of tourists leave our town. Better yet, we just leave town and drive as far away as possible.

This year, we had the privilege of housing some buddies of ours: Ben and Cassie Thiem. I wish I could tell you that they drove up to hunker down with us, but instead, they RAN the Marathon!! Not the half marathon, nope, they ran the whole darn thing. Twenty six point two miles, to be exact. Good God Almighty, that's a long way. I don't even drive that far if I don't have to, much less attempt to bike or rollerblade it.... But Ben and Cassie did it WITHOUT WHEELS. I don't think the human body was meant to do that...but I guess if you train enough, you can do pretty much anything. They weren't even too exhausted when they got home! They laid down for an hour or so, spent some time socializing with our naughty two-year-old, and got back on the road to Chicago. Wow.Next, we have a few random photos....
Papa takes a minute-break from studying to hold baby Mary.
Julia and Mary, it looks like Julia is sleeping, but don't be deceived. She blinked.
Making something in the kitchen. We were breading some kind of meat. Julia was "mixing" the bowl of bread crumbs. I am still finding bits of breading under the cupboards and in the drawers below.
When I took a second look at this photo, I caught a glimpse of the *empty* bottle of Tequilla in the background. Mark, Allison, Mike, and I had a little rendezvous with it last weekend. We thought we were winning the battle against Jose; but a few minutes later, we realized that we were just plain wrong about that........
Julia Sniffs a tulip. The next day, the wind blew so strong that all the tulips were left with
naked little stigmas (that's the sticky thing inside the tulip...if I remember right from Mrs. Armstrong, my 5th grade science teacher...) They now look pretty ridiculous.

1 comment:

Brooks Thiem said...

Yes - I made the blog I'm super famous! Thank you so much for letting us stay with you! We had such a blast!