Sunday, September 16, 2007


Today I decided that I must have done something right as a parent. I was vacuuming the living room, and Julia, who was watching intently, began to cry. I tried to console her, but she didn't want to be loved....she wanted the vacuum hose! I gave it to her and watched for a minute. She wasn't strong enough to push the whole vacuum, but she did a great job on the stairs with the hose attachment! Halleluiah! It must be my day toddler is demanding that I let her vacuum. What's next? Julia will cry until we let her take the garbage out......


Dave, Miriam, Josiah, Aria, and Thaddeus said...

I'm so proud! A clean girl! I love cleaning. Hope to see you soon!

Mark, Allison, Eliya, Gabriel, Rachel & Micaiah said...

What the heck?! Where did I go wrong - instead of cleaning stairs my kids just try to drown themselves in dirty bathwater - ha! We've been on a cleaning spree ourselves since I have this nasty feeling that Rachel will be crawling before I can blink again.

Anonymous said...

Can we borrow your kid?