Still no digital camera. I miss our old camera and I miss all the pictures from our most memorable vacation....but thank goodness Kodak makes cheap easy share cameras and we ordered one online TWO WEEKS AGO. (Note: FREE super-saver shipping at should be called FREE Unionized Unoppressed -Snail-worker shipping.) I keep checking the mail to see when it will arrive. I am starting to feel guilty about not posting any pictures up here. Mike says he's been keeping track of it with the "shipping tracker" through I didn't know you could do that! You can type in a ridiculously long number-letter code and suddenly, UPS will tell you exactly where your package is on the planet. Ours is currently sitting in a truck somewhere between Omaha and Duluth. Joy. Hopefully it is closer to Duluth than Omaha and it will come soon. You will know. I will plaster the blog with pictures of a kid, a dog, a messy house, you know, the usual.
Here is today's story.
Last week, when Mike went to pick Julia up from daycare, the little note that they always give us said, "biting." Naturally, my husband was curious, so he went to talk to Miss Amy about the situation. Turns out that Julia had been playing with a doll in the corner by herself, and Sam, a tiny tiny little boy her age, came over and wanted her to "share the dolly." Now, if you have every had a two-year-old or taken early childhood classes, you should know that two-year-olds *don't* share. Everything they can see is theirs. If they can remember seeing it at some time, it is also theirs. And if you take it away, you will pay the price.
Well, wee little Sam thought sharing the dolly would be a good idea, so he ripped it out of Julia's grasp and scurried off with it. My daughter, being the self-sufficient girl that she is, took off after Sam across the gym. She caught him (remember....he is little...she is tall and runs faster than her big pregnant mom can run) and instead of taking the doll back, she took another approach: she grabbed his forearm and BIT him. Chomp. Sam dropped her dollly and ran crying to Miss Amy. Julia took her dolly back and looked guiltily on as Miss Amy tried to comfort Sam and not burst out laughing at the same time.
When asked about the situation, Julia is rather up-front with us. You can ask her what happened when Sam took her dolly, and she will nonchalantly reply, "I Bit Sam. Naughty." This makes the asker of the question turn his or her head in the opposite direction and laugh (on the inside, of course.)
I hope Sam has learned his lesson. Don't steal from a girl. She will bite your arm and steal her dolly back. Watch out for women....they are trouble even when they are two. ;)