Saturday, January 10, 2009

The computer is fixed

Our computer is fixed.

Last week, Mike tried to turn it on and it became unresponsive. He made sure the power supply was adequate, which sounds like a simple task.....

I wondered where he had gone for two hours. Apparently, he had to check to see if the one circuit that supplies all of the outlets in our entire house hadn't blown up again....and then check power supply in the computer, and then the extension cord it's plugged into, and then check the extension cord that *that* extension cord is plugged into....and then check the thing in the socket in the wall that makes a two-prong outlet into a three-prong outlet. (Our house was built in 1928 and I don't think they were thinking that a computer, printer, space heater, electric blanket, hair dryer, two alarm clocks, a fan, two closet light things, a cordless phone, a cell phone charger, a pda charger, and a breast pump would be plugged into *the* outlet they put up here.)

After all of this trouble shooting didn't give way to any miraculous revelation, Mike decided to do what most men do: take it apart. (I need to add that he has been taking a lot of stuff apart lately. Right this minute, there are sewing machine parts all over the kitchen and dining room because he is "fixing" his sewing machine. I need to get him a heated shed or something for a birthday present. Except then I would never see him unless I promised him some food if he came back.....but let's get back to the matter at hand):

So, I had to go in to St. Luke's because I had another admission, and I get this on my pager, "mayday, mayday. the dust bunnies are here." So, I leave the patient's room and call home. Mike is hysterical.

Turns out that our computer needed Merry Maids. Mike said the dust bunnies in the computer were breeding out of control. They were filling *all* of the empty space inside the tower.Did you know that your computer has a fan running into it and another blowing air out of it? I never thought about this, but computers are basically big, expensive air filters. I wonder if they are HEPA certified? At any rate, he is surprised that the thing didn't spontaneously combust before our eyes. Can you imagine it? Sitting at your computer all happy and complacent...and suddenly, you smell a suspicious burning odor. Before you have time to react, the dust bunnies in the main tower thing catalyze an exothermic reaction and you end up with a bomb on your desk. Why don't they tell you about this when you buy a computer?


After Mike cleaned the thing out, filling the vaccuum with a huge gray cloud, he brought it to the computer store and bought a few new parts. Now, it sounds like an airplane taking off (apparrently the Bunnies had already taken a few victims, namely both of the fans and the power supply). The new fans are buzzing so loudly that I can't hear the kids chattering outside the bedroom door. Hmm...I'm starting to like this. I also have noticed my allergies are getting better and the air in our bedroom is fresh and clean.....


Claudia said...

LOL!! I love your story telling. It kept me at the edge of my seat and the final climax of the story didn't disappoint. Thanks again, for another funny story!

Anonymous said...

If you ever get really SICK of taking care of SICK people, you could be a columnist. I am laughing out loud reading about your computer issues. Our computer had the same problem, and after Len "fixed" it, it was so loud that I couldn't sleep if it was still on--even though it's in the bedroom next to ours. The sound carried right through the wall. :)
Bye, love, Trice

Annie said...

Happy late birthday mike!!
If you had facebook I would have facebooked it to you.. ahem.. maybe you should think about that.
It really sucks up dust? Sucky. I should 'accidentally' break my computer. I bought insurance on it, so basically I could just throw it out the window or let sofie play with it for a while and get a new one. bop.