Monday, January 7, 2008

Back to the blogosphere

Thank you everyone who is checking our blog out today after I have been delinquent for over two weeks. Although I can't promise daily updates and constant witty remarks, I can probably commit to bi or even tri weekly updates and some witty or sarcastic remarks. Hope you are doing well.

January and February are the fastest months of the year. Just as soon as you get back into the swing of regular life after the holidays, it seems that Ash Wednesday is approaching. Well, enjoy the fast months. Maybe January and February go by quickly because there is nothing to see or do but work, eat, and try to lose the ten pounds you've gained. It's kind of like a long car trip. For some reason, driving across North Dakota always seems quick, too. It's not because North Dakota has an unlimited speed's because you kind of zone out into your own little place and pretty soon you're in Montana. Well, I think of the month of March as like getting to Montana after a long Dakota's drive.

With that thought, here are a few updates:
1. Pregnancy is more than half over. YAY.
2. Julia has learned the word, "levitate." Mike reads her this book about aliens called "Space Case," and the aliens levitate back to mars at the end. I was reading her a different book the other day and a dog was flying through the air. Out of the blue, Julia goes, "Levitating!" whoa.
3. Amongst all the call I had last week, we managed to negotiate a heckuva deal on a new item that is parked outside our house right at this moment. Wednesday's blog will give you the details.

And now for some random photosI found this mostly-eaten stick of delicious butter behind our couch. I tried to take a close-up of it...try and see that there are little ridges from somebody's front teeth in it. I wonder if she ate the wrapper, too.
silly girl. too much butter on the brain.
Why does Julia have a santa hat with an "A" on it? We were at the Mall of America a couple of weeks ago and were given these hats to participate in the world's Biggest Christmas Carol: the song from Alvin and the Chipmunks (Christmas Christmas time is near.......) Well, unfortunately, Mike and I have big heads. The hats would not fit us, no matter how hard we tried to squish our giant heads into the polyester. Alas, Julia inherited two of them and we went to Old Navy instead of singing because we felt stupid for not wearing hats....


Mark, Allison, Eliya, Gabriel, Rachel & Micaiah said...

Julia and ELiya could be butter eating partners! Although Elie would tell her that if you eat a whole stick of butter you will throw-up on your pillow - oh dear! I think the 'A' hat is a sign that this baby is meant to have an 'A' Allison :0) j/k

Dave, Miriam, Josiah, Aria, and Thaddeus said...

I'm waiting for Wednesday's blog! I can't take the suspense! :)