Thursday, February 15, 2007

Long week was three weeks ago, but here's a catch-up

 I never finished my story. Here's the short version: Julia's burn were bad enough to send us to the pediatric ICU for two nights at the St. Cloud Hospital. They gave her fluids and pain control. We were actually very glad that they admitted would have been awful trying to control her pain at home. Grandma Beth visited us a LOT. She took Julia so mommy and daddy could eat some lunch. Pastor Timm came to see us, as did Tim, John, Jenny, Grandma Ruth, Grandpa Dave, Grandpa Dick, and Annie came. We went home with lots of baby codeine and ibuprofen.

I took a week off from my psych(o) rotation in Anoka to care for Julia. She needed three baths a day and special lotions on the burns round the clock. We rigged up a system to keep the gauze on her chest all night long with cut-off legs from my old nylons. It was very labor-intensive. Thank God, we came through all right! Julia is looking just great these days and we know it's because of all the prayers she had. So, thanks everybody. What a blessing. No burns in her eyes, no third degree, and plastics says "no scarring!"


Anonymous said...

Julie is beautiful! Do you have other pictures on here, preburn? Beth told us to look at your site. Wishing you well. Marleen Hartjes

Sarah said...

Hi Marleen! I will put some pre burn pictures up for you.
