Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Daddy's not much of a blogger...

Hi everyone!

I'm back down in the twin cities for the next three weeks working in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) while Daddy, Annie, and The Amazing Nanny take care of Julia up north. Julia is sick with a cold, and Daddy just hasn't had any time to blog much. I guess Julia is being a handful. I will be home on Friday for the weekend, so be sure to check back then for more fun pictures! I think I will take Julia down by The Lake if she's feeling better. (I wouldn't want to take her out if she's got a cold.)

Auntie Jenny's house is a nice place for me to stay when I'm down here, but I miss my family! Tonight, Jenny and I drove to five different places looking for a fuse for the car adapter to my pump. We checked Target, two auto parts stores, Circuit City, and BAtteries fuses to fit. We finally found one guessed it....Wal Mart. That store DOES have everything. It was also the only store where we had to go and find it ourselves because there weren't any employees around to help us out. You really get what you pay for. I think Batteries Plus had more employees working than the Wal Mart.

Yesterday in the NICU I was able to get in on a delivery of triplets!!! They were all girls born at 30 weeks, one set of identical twins,within a set of fraternal twins. Munch on that one for a minute.... Anyways, their names are Grace, Zoey, and Madeline. Grace is my patient...and she is now officially off the ventillator! Yay.!!! All three babies are looking great today. There's another mommy in the antepartum unit pregnant with triplets and two mommies with twins inside. This should be a good weekend! I am on call tomorrow (Thursday), so we'll see what babies decide to make a showing and abandon that uterus! (Can you tell that I love this? When I am bored I just hold tiny babies all day long. Who couldn't love this job???)

Take care, I'll get some more pictures up here this weekend. At least I know that Mike is doing a great job taking care of Julia and not messing around with putting pictures on the internet... :)

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