Friday, March 30, 2007

IAMS: not just for your cat

You always know that when the child is not clinging to your pant leg or squealing in the livingroom that something is up. It's the silence, usually, that tips me off, but in this case I didn't even get that. The little tyke was happily playing in the nursery while I was downstairs, doing I remember not what, when suddenly I hear: plinkplinkplinkplink!

Maniacal giggling
, and more sound effects. Plinkplinkplinkplinkplinkplink! Of course we've scolded her for playing in the cat food before, but that makes it more fun. The instant I peeked into the bathroom, she saw me and started throwing faster and harder. "Gotta empty this thing out before I get picked up! Quickly, now! And grab and throw and grab and throw and..."

At least this time she didn't taste the stuff. I can't imagine why you would want to try cat food more than once, but I guess infants have a penchant for the stuff. Or at least this infant. If you've tried hairballs, then cat food is that much better. IAMS: it's not just for your cat anymore.
And yes, I did wipe her hands after this picture.

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