Monday, May 5, 2008

...another sign of impeccable parenting

Today, Julia decided to eat like a lady....let me explain.

It all started when grandma Beth gave us a package of those little boxes of cereal for Julia's birthday. You know, the ones with all the "bad for you" cereals that you never buy? Well, one of those boxes contained Cocoa Krispies, a new favorite of the Toddler. Julia ate about half of it while we were cleaning up the kitchen this afternoon, and then the phone rang. While I was on the phone, she proceeded to dump out the rest of the box out on the counter. I put the phone down and transferred the Krispies to a zip lock baggie.

Mike then called me upstairs for something. I left Julia in the kitchen playing with some toys and ran to help. A minute or two later, I had that motherly feeling....."it's too quiet....something is happening..." Then, I heard our cat meowing really loudly. It was kind of a whiney "Mrawwwoowww"
So, I went downstairs to find out what Julia was up to and this is what I saw:
Yes, your eyes are telling the truth. Julia proceeded to find the baggie, finish her cereal, and eat it properly out of a dish. The problem, you ask? The little square plastic dish belongs to BUNG, the CAT....and yes, he had recently eaten a meal of wet cat food out of it....and we hadn't gotten around to washing it yet. So, Miss Julia was eating her cocoa krispies right out of the cat's dirty food dish...and was mighty proud of herself, too. The cat was standing by, watching the whole scene, and was almost as disturbed as I was. Before I stole the dish away, Julia made me pour some milk on them and offer them to Bung. He told us they were indeed mighty tasty.


Mark, Allison, Eliya, Gabriel, Rachel & Micaiah said...

hilarious! I'm glad I'm not the only parent out there! :0) ("no-no yellow snow does not mean the snow-cone fairy came and drizzled it with syrupy goodness....")

Dave, Miriam, Josiah, Aria, and Thaddeus said...

See my blog post for today. I chose to laugh about this, but if it was my child, I'd probably cry. Or just laugh and be REALLY disgusted!!

Annie said...

that's ok. remember that one time you told me there was some tuna in the fridge if I was hungry... and i saw the metal container and took a spoon and took a big bite without really looking at what I was eating until it was in my mouth and half swallowed... odd oily consistency. Is this tuna in water?.... its tuna... fancy feast.. ASSS!!!!