I must admit, all of this residency stuff has impeded on my blogging skills. And my camera-remembering skills. We had a fun week around here. Busy, but fun. Mike enjoyed his first week at the Cub Pharmacy, I sat through lots of orientation meetings, and Julia played at home with Auntie Annie.
Yesterday (Friday), Julia and I went to the annual picnic for the Residency program. Julia had a great time...there was a pinata (she didn't hit it, but she did pick up a bunch of tootsie rolls), water balloons, popsicles, and a huge tug-of-war match. There were also more seagulls. Oh boy!!! She chased them again, but she is getting smarter: she carried a hot dog bun with her...and to her joy, they stayed much closer this time.
Julia and Mike are in St. Cloud this weekend because Great grandma Adeline is turning 90. Mommy is stuck up in Duluth. Today's task: download a bunch of software onto my new PDA. Without Mike here to tell me how to do it, things could get very interesting.
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